Do you like watch movie? I like very much! I have ever been watching a lot of movies and I watched many movies on this summer vacation. For example, “OCEAN’S 13”, “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN”, “VANTAGE POINT”, “SEX AND THE CITY” and so on. Of all others, the movie which I would like to recommend is “MY LIFE WITHOUT ME”. This one was produced in Canada and released in the year 2003. This title is known to “Sinumadenisitai10nokoto” in Japan. I watched this movie on DVD. This story is a certain woman’s story. The woman’s name is Ann. She married when she was young and she has two children. She was not rich, but she lived happily with her family. But one day suddenly she was struck terrible stomachache and carried to the hospital by ambulance and she was told that she has a terminal cancer. She is young, so her cancer already spread all over. What do you do if you were told that you have a terminal cancer? Maybe I do what I want and I spend time with my family and friends. In her case, she wrote the paper that what she does by she will die. Then it was just 10. She doesn’t tell anyone about her illness and she accomplished her 10 decision one by one secretly. My favorite scene is Ann record message on tape for her family in the car. The story is sad, but a loving story. Leading actress is Sarah Polley. I think maybe there are many people who don’t know this movie. Please watch this movie!
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